193. Blackpool - Chelsea Blackpool + 1.75 @ 1,96 IBCBet
Chelsea after win over United much appreciated all around the world but let's not forget there is a deep patology there - manager, owners, half of the team and no one can overcome this situation - there will not be very well paid financial directors also ;) For some amount of money some people choose to sell their pronciples and many such people live in London - there is even a competition for certain positions. Well there are not many 'Good Will Huntings' in this world if you know what I mean.
Along with handicap we have strong support and bookie's recommendation writing about 'walk in the park in Bloomfield Road' or 'slice of bread with butter'. Blackpool also not to lose is a great bet today regardles of home team's ban - Chelsea games are steered too many times from above and they play like for an order - pure speculation but I have a feeling they will get something here
Blackpool and their owner are an interesting club and one day I will write about them when I will have time
Nevertheless Blackpool is a pick for today
Chelsea got a huge help from referee and won over United after completely wrong penalty decision
Apologise for not posting a pick this weekend - there were not difficult picks anyone knows I am along West Ham almost everytime with their money and influences and against Arsenal as they will not win anything for next 25 years. We are back on track with a lot of positive picks arriving
Let's start today
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